You can manually refund any completed purchases via the FlexPay Merchant Portal - by searching for an applicable order and returning either the full amount of a purchase in one transaction, or any smaller amounts individually that in total do not exceed the overall value of the prior finance purchase.
You can find out more information about this feature in the Merchant Portal user guide here. However, you may also choose to use the FlexPay API to implement refunds automatically from within your systems. This will allow you to initiate refunds directly without having to access the Merchant Portal.
Update Transaction API
To request a refund via API you will need to use the transaction
API endpoint, using an order reference
that you supplied to the verify-basket
endpoint in a prior checkout which resulted in a finance purchase. This order reference is appended to the transaction
API endpoint along with the action itself:
{Environment }/transaction/{transactionId}/{orderAction}
where transactionId
is your prior order reference supplied at checkout previously as reference
during a finance purchase, and where orderAction
in this case is always 'refund
Your request body should include the following parameters:
which in this case should be 'REFUND
has the following properties:
Property | Value | Description |
refundAmount | Integer | the amount of the prior finance purchase to be refunded |
description | String text | an optional description of the refund for reporting in the Merchant Portal |
An example request might look as follows:
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/hal+json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6Imp6SXZmaU1HNkJqVEpUWGxkRlVwZSJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Rla29wYXktbWVyY2hhbnQtZGV2LmV1LmF1dGgwLmNvbS8iLCJzdWIiOiJ2TDBac0VOOWo1TlQ0VlAzY0ZLQnAxakY5NHNtNUM4dkBjbGllbnRzIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDo4MDgxL2FwaS9jaGVja291dCIsImlhdCI6MTYxNjU5MTU4NywiZXhwIjoxNjE2Njc3OTg3LCJhenAiOiJ2TDBac0VOOWo1TlQ0VlAzY0ZLQnAxakY5NHNtNUM4diIsImd0eSI6ImNsaWVudC1jcmVkZW50aWFscyJ9.F-dzPkJVF0ub2kGiWn1As5PSMnIiqAriOhyux47t7lbNk0tD9Wu655JGHmjuAqqQ3uWyqXx9-feuYjv61xufgBfxH17OkIqBB9lVJzEONoVqF5uIzsnaTD2z0FTzcvOuH8RXzA-_q7vFZwvbboE9iZCFd-JN8vI_1jjWDUpdKFWzGk0-AmID9F7qgNnyC2WEb6DK4Ky5VttXPXcGfnIGD2ybOgkg1dOlBhzabJBT9jU_UQuBoKjqQoNqVm1ovhFJzzSWMsHqDIDOb7r-0zXRB33ka4_oKoVnVrvxL2hGblgC-2Jg6gfB7uuVPdbM5FIBFx8Cbt4T83KxXbpJy5hQbg'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"actionType": "REFUND",
"options": {
"description":"Refund due to goods returned"
Update Transaction Response
Your request to the endpoint will provide a response of HTTP 204
if the action has been performed successfully. In such cases the response payload will include a copy of the original order (basket) object, with a new refunds object containing details of the completed refund:
"refunds": [
"refundId": "662b9cf6-80bd-4cd7-bca0-679d56634098",
"amount": 1000,
"description": "Refund due to goods returned",
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
"creationDate": "2024-02-22T14:34:24.898991Z"
In the event the request cannot be processed, the other possible HTTP responses your might receive are as follows:
HTTP Code | Reason |
204 | Request is valid and can be processed (payload provides details) |
400 | Values provided in the request are not valid |
404 | The order cannot be found |
You can see more details about this API in the specification for updating a transaction.