Displaying Web Banners

Promote Black Horse FlexPay on your website with our approved marketing banners.

You can select the design you’d prefer, but the banner must stay exactly the same – this includes the content and the size of the banner.

You must also only use approved and compliant marketing materials, which you can find here.

Make sure to only use the banners that match the instalment plan lengths on your website. If you’ve got more than one instalment plan length available, choose the banner with the wording “up to” followed by the longest term you offer. If you’re using any banners to advertise promotional offers, make sure these are switched on and available to customers once the banner goes live.


Please note: any changes to font size, font type or APR prominence will mean the banner is no longer compliant.

The marketing material shown below is for illustrative purposes only.

Where should I place web banners?

The right placements for your banner could help drive conversions by building awareness throughout the customer journey.

Here are four placements you must use:


Make sure these placements are always on, so that you’re promoting Black Horse FlexPay at every touchpoint to help build customer familiarity and confidence.